Life Affirmation
More about the Life Affirmation
The Life Affirmation is an attempt to put into words how Christians should think about abortion.
The emphasis is doctrinal and the aim is to bring clarity. There remains much confusion in the Church concerning the morality or ethics of abortion. The record needs to be set straight. To keep the focus purely on doctrine and ethics, the Affirmation does not comment on specifics of pro-life strategy.
The Life Affirmation has been drafted by a group of Christians, from a range of churchmanships, whose desire is to serve the Church by providing a clear position on this issue. Collectively they have significant experience and academic qualifications in theology and in medicine and in pastoral ministry. They have chosen to remain anonymous so as to make it all the more clear that when an individual, church, or organisation signs and adopts the Life Affirmation, they are not expressing affiliation with any churchmanship, organisation, or wider pro-life strategy: they are simply declaring that they consider these words to be an accurate description of how Christians should think about abortion.
The Life Affirmation is not an organisation or charity, it is simply this verbal statement. Signatories' names and e-mail addresses will not be passed on to third parties or used for any purpose other than having their name published on this website as one of the signatories. The website will never be expanded to include anything other than the Life Affirmation, and signatories may request to have their names removed at any time.
The Life Affirmation provides individuals, churches, and other organisations with an opportunity first to clarify their own thinking on abortion wherever that be needed and second to publicly declare their position as a (perhaps the first) step towards living out the biblical command to "be a voice for the voiceless" (Proverbs 31:8).
We warmly commend the Life Affirmation to you as a tool in your hand. We encourage churches and organisations not only to sign here but also to adopt this statement as part of your doctrinal basis. You are free to copy and paste; please reference this site as the source and link back to it where possible.